USING THE WINDOW MENU "Close session": Closes a session with a host. "Re-open session": Allows you to attempt to re-open a session which has failed to open or has been closed. If a connection is made, the session's Connection Macro will be executed. "Reconfigure session...": Lets you use the "Configure Session" dialog to reconfigure a session after you have created or opened it. "Toggle .edit Window": Bring the .edit window associated with the topmost emulator session to the front. A list of session/window names follows; the first 9 are associated with the Command keys 1-9. Selecting the item brings the window to the front. Items in the list of sessions may have marks to indicate special conditions. Active Telnet sessions have a bullet; Telnet sessions which have terminated abnormally are marked with a cross. A Serial session which has the Modem Port open is marked with a '+', while a Serial session using the Printer Port is marked with a '-'.